Ronnie Beggs

Ronnie Beggs

I'm a freshman at UC Berkeley from the Bay Area. I'm studying Math and Computer Science and hope to study software engineering and AI. Outside of class, I enjoy reading, tinkering, exercising, and anything outdoors. Welcome to my portfolio!

Featured Projects:


Inspired by my recent high school physics class, I've created an orbital simulation game using python. I've mainly used this game as a means for applying my newly learned physics, math, and coding knowledge. I've taken a lot of inspiration from Kerbal Space Program and attempted to recreate it using pygame. In the process, I have learned a great deal about event loops, simulation time steps, orbital dynamics, and so much more.


For one of my first coding projects, I attempted to replicate the game logic from the original gameboy pokemon games. Having no knowledge of a GUI, let alone how to program with one, I displayed all game actions using print statements within the terminal.